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Honorary chairman

Giovanni Bazoli

Board members

 Angelo Stella

Deputy Chairman:
 Mauro Giacomo Novelli

 Salvatore Silvano Nigro

 Paola Maria Carmela Italia

Arts councillor, municipality of Milan
(at the mayor of Milan’s appointment) :
Filippo del Corno


Under the new by-laws the Board consists of five members: four ministerial appointments plus the mayor of Milan or their representative

Advisory Committee

Pierantonio Frare
 Professor of Italian Literature, Catholic University of Milan

Laura Galimberti
 Architect, Director of property development, Milan city council

Andrea Massari
 Director, Banca e Cultura Onlus (Intesa Sanpaolo)

Fernando Mazzocca​
 Art historian

Niccolò Nisivoccia

Stefano Parise
 Director of libraries, Milan city council

Antonio Scurati
 Writer, critic and teacher at IULM (Milan)

Francesco Spera
 Professor of Italian Literature, Milan University

Audit Committee

Carlo Capaccioni


Cristina Dattoli 

 Auditor (representing MBCAT)

Lorenzo Magliulo


Fabrizio Mendolìa

 Alternate auditor

Nicola Catalano

 Alternate auditor




In accordance with the provisions of Italian legislative decree 33/13, the financial situation of the Board members of the Centro Nazionale Studi Manzoniani is as follows.

The Chairman and Board members do not receive any emolument (cf. Italian law 122/10).

The following documents have been available: